基督教生命堂紐約州珍珠河CEC in Pearl River
20230929 中秋節晚會照片
20230910 珍珠河教会 50th 周年庆
20230828 兒童夏令營 第 1 天
20230829 兒童夏令營 第 2 天
20230830 兒童夏令營第 3 & 4天
20230901 兒童夏令營第 5 天
20230831 兒童夏令營 01
20230831 兒童夏令營-02
20230806 - 多华谷教会五十五周年庆
20230108 - 歡送燕萍姐妹照片
20230108 - 歡送燕萍姐妹影片(Video)
20220417 - Baptism of the Year - 2022
20201231 - Birthday of the Month - 2020
20200811 - 曾經來過教會的人
20191231 - Birthday of the Month - 2019
20191222 - Christmas Sunday Service
20191129 - Thanksgiving Fellowship
20191012 - 珍珠河和俄備得教會聯合義賣活動
20190908 - 46th Anniversary Sunday Worship
20190804 - Baptism
20190421 - Baptism on Easter Sunday
20190421 - Easter Sunday
20190419 - Good Friday
20190209 - Celebrating Chinese New Year
20181123 - Christmas Sunday Worship
20181125 - Thanksgiving Worship
20181123 - Thanksgiving Fellowship
20180107 - Baptism
20171224 - Christmas Service